This is a partial list of psychoanalytic research on anxiety disorders. These studies demonstrate the efficacy of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic treatments for anxiety. Find a study that you’d like to add? Please let me know. Thank you.
- Busch FN, Milrod BL, Sandberg LS., (2009), A study demonstrating efficacy of a psychoanalytic psychotherapy for panic disorder: implications for psychoanalytic research, theory, and practice. J Am Psychoanal Assoc., Feb; 57(1):131-48.
- Kernberg OF, Yeomans FE, Clarkin JF, Levy KN. (2008),Transference focused psychotherapy: overview and update., Int J Psychoanal. 2008 Jun;89(3):601-20.
- Leichsenring F, Leibing E. (2007), “Psychodynamic psychotherapy: a systematic review of techniques, indications and empirical evidence. Psychol Psychother. Jun;80(Pt 2):217-28.
- Leichsenring F., (2005), Are psychodynamic and psychoanalytic therapies effective?: A review of empirical data., Int J Psychoanal. Jun;86(Pt 3):841-68.
- Lipsitz JD, Gur M, Miller NL, Forand N, Vermes D, Fyer AJ. (2005), An open pilot study of interpersonal psychotherapy for panic disorder, J Nerv Ment Dis. 2006 Jun;194(6):440-5.
- Milrod B, Leon AC, Busch F, Rudden M, Schwalberg M, Clarkin J, Aronson A, Singer M, Turchin W, Klass ET, Graf E, Teres JJ, Shear MK. (2007), A randomized controlled clinical trial of psychoanalytic psychotherapy for panic disorder. Am J Psychiatry. Feb;164(2):265-72. Erratum in: Am J Psychiatry. 2007 Mar;164(3):529.
- Milrod B., (1995), The continued usefulness of psychoanalysis in the treatment armamentarium for panic disorder.J Am Psychoanal Assoc. 43(1):151-62.PMID: 7650272.- See more at:
This psychoanalytic research on anxiety disorders demonstrates the efficacy of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic treatments for anxiety.