Psychoanalytic research on anxiety disorders

This is a partial list of psychoanalytic research on anxiety disorders. These studies demonstratePsychoanalytic research on anxiety disorders the efficacy of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic treatments for anxiety. Find a study that you’d like to add? Please let me know. Thank you.

This psychoanalytic research on anxiety disorders demonstrates the efficacy of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic treatments for anxiety.

Dr. Lynn Friedman

Dr. Lynn Friedman, Ph.D., FABP, is a Clinical Psychologist, a Supervising and Training Analyst, and a Clinical Supervisor in full-time, private practice. She provides evaluation, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis as well as supervision to psychoanalysts-in-training and other mental health professionals. Beyond this, she is a board certified, psychoanalyst who teaches at Johns Hopkins University and the Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis.

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I provide psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, clinical consultation, supervision & executive coaching. If you are seeking consultation from a psychologist, psychoanalyst, in DC, feel free to call me: 240.483.3530.